Hírös Logisztikai Központ Kft.
The logistics park in Kecskemét offers unique railway services, with no other similar site in the city equipped with an industrial track. The goal is to reinforce the regional logistics sector and to improve warehousing services.
- Company: Hírös Logisztikai Központ Kft.
- Headquarters: 6000 Kecskemét, Szent István krt. 24.
- Phone: +36 30 570 4530, +36 70 388 0712
- Email info@hilk.hu
- Internet: hilk.hu
- Tax number: 32377536-2-03
- Company registration number: 03-09-137740
- Main activity: 5210 Warehousing
- Storage: Sybell ( 1158 Budapest, Késmárk u. 7./b. II. em. 206., info@1marketing.hu)
- Web: 1MARKETING (info@1marketing.hu)
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